Elbee Elgee FAQ

Q: "How do I change the look of [element X] in Elbee Elgee?"

A: Please don’t change CSS styles or code directly inside of Elbee Elgee, as this will virtually guarantee that your customizations break the next time I update the theme. Instead, you should create a child theme and make your alterations inside of it. I would recommend that you base your efforts on this very simple Elbee Elgee child theme I created.

The WordPress Codex provides a good starting point for learning about child themes here, while this plugin may allow you to create one with just a few clicks.

Once you have created a child theme, I would advise that you create an empty functions.php file inside of the child theme directory. Then, any and all PHP customizations should take place in said functions file.

Q: "How Do I Remove The 50% Shading In The Header?"

On or around line 50 in styles/ng.css, div#titledesc is defined. You may


override them in your child theme’s style.css using the following declaration:

#header div#titledesc{
       background: transparent;


Not Recommended

remove the lines from styles/ng.css, inside of the div#titledesc declaration:


The Recommended option is upgrade-safe, while the Not Recommended one could be overwritten if you upgrade Elbee Elgee.

Q: "How do I remove the title and the translucent title background over the header?"

A: Navigate to Appearance->Header, select “No” next to “Display Text”, then click “Save Changes”. This will remove the title text and shaded div completely.

Q: "How do I move the post meta information from the bottom to the top of each post?"


  1. Make sure you’re using a child theme (see above).
  2. Edit your child theme’s functions.php
  3. Add this to the bottom of functions.php:

remove_action( 'lblg_after_itemtext', 'lblg_post_info' );
add_action( 'lblg_before_itemtext', 'lblg_post_info' );

Q: "How can I remove the 'Posted by admin on (date) edit this entry' ? I don't want that to show on my page."


  1. Make sure you’re using a child theme (see above).
  2. Edit your child theme’s functions.php
  3. Add this to the bottom of functions.php:

function lbc_unplug_lblg_post_info(){
remove_action( 'lblg_after_itemtext', 'lblg_post_info' );
add_action( 'init', 'lbc_unplug_lblg_post_info');

Q: "Can I upload more than one header and have the headers randomly rotate among only those I have uploaded?"

A: Alas, no. The WordPress core header image handling functions don’t allow for this functionality yet.
Yes, you can, as was pointed out by observant users. Simply go to Appearance->Header and upload multiple header images. Once you have more than one original header images uploaded, you will be given the option to use a random image from amongst your images.

Q: "We would like the site to have a fixed, maximum width equal to the size of the header image (i.e., 960 px). How we do that?"

A: Select one of the fixed-width under Style Options->Layout Stylesheet in the Elbee Elgee Settings section under Appearance.

Q: "Why do I see 'This is the [position] sidebar. You may add widgets…' etc.?"

A: This is placeholder text that only appears to logged-in users. Log out and preview the site in order to see how a generic user will see your site.

I aim to make this text clearer in future revisions of the theme.

  1. Make sure you’re using a child theme
  2. Add the following code to your child theme’s `functions.php`:
    function lbc_remove_postimage(){
        remove_action( 'lblg_before_itemtext', 
                       'lblg_the_postimage' );
    add_action( 'init', 'lbc_remove_postimage' );
  3. Reload the page and check to make sure it worked.