I’ve No One To Blame But Myself

So I’m a complete liar and deserve all the scorn accordant with such, but I swear I have a compelling excuse: I was totally going to write a summary of my trip, but then I stupidly clicked on Gamespot’s E3 video page and then just kept clicking. Dang, there are some mighty pretty games coming out in the next year (I particularly liked the MotorStorm and SSX On Tour trailers). Don’t click on that link if you’re anything like me (read: an out-and-out, unrepentant videogame geek with an overactive imagination and a limited pocketbook) though, as all my (WARNING: Metaphors ahead) avarice glands are now firing on all cylinders.
On the plus side, Nobrainer has seemingly fixed his permalinks and has posted his thoughts on the weekend.