Category: Site News

  • Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Essentially: it does what it says on the tin. My bbPress forums were a) Magnets for spammers of every *dol, Cia*, Dolc*gab* and Ho*ref*nance 2) CPU chewers for little payoff D) Not really used by y’all or me* So, in short, I’m deactivating them and shall breathe a sigh of relief. If you’ve comments related…

  • Reach Out And Touch Someone

    Apparently my contact form has been non-functional for a while. I finally figured out that it was due to the old contact form plugin I was using not working when Akismet (ptui!) is disabled. So I rebuilt it from scratch and now you can recommence your comments, complaints, etc. with all due haste. *grin*

  • Merry Christmas!

    For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and he is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6 (ESV)

  • …Huh? Whazzat?

    Fear not, long-suffering readers, for lo!, I am yet alive. I’ve been reliving the last week each of the last three, namely: working ’til around 1am Monday and Tuesday followed up by general craziness with church-related stuff Wednesdays and Thursdays and then, more likely than not, time off on Fridays. Things have calmed down for…

  • Blogging, Or Lack Thereof

    So it’s readily apparent that my blog output has been woeful as of late. I could come up with a litany of excuses as to why this is so, but truth be told, it’s been a case of my heart not being in it. Suffice it to say that Real Life Concerns have been weighing…

  • Seasons’ Change

    Regular readers will have noticed that updates have been, well, sporadic around these parts. There’s a very good reason for this: September 4th marked my 7th anniversary at my company; September 5th, I was offered a new job. Monday was my last day at my old company, which I’ve always declined to mention, as it…

  • I’m Not Dead Yet

    I know it — I’m due for an update here. Maybe tomorrow. All’s well, but busy.

  • There’s A-Doin’s Afoot

    Can’t go into depth right now, but I’ve been busy, busy, busy as of late, thus le output du blogge has been, well, downright pitiful, and for that, I R Sorry. I promise you, though, things will soon be Oh, and while I’m thinking of it, I have started my own little photo blog where…

  • Traffic Surfing

    So last week was fun, traffic-wise. Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds posted a link to an older entry of mine on the same day that he opined about the prevalence of “Can’t connect to database” errors that WordPress-powered sites tend to throw under load. Fortunately for me, I had anticipated just such a meteoric rise to Cylon-powered…

  • Texas Travelogue ’08, Day 1

    Things have been slow around the blog the last week (obviously), since the fam and I have been on the road in Texas, visiting my in-laws. Please accept these next few round-ups as a small amount of compensation for the dearth. Day 1: Saturday, March 8th Scooted over from home to my parents’ place to…