Your Scottish Slang Scots Word O’ The Day: Glaikit

This entry is part 3 of 29 in the series Your Scots Word Of The Day

Third in a series
(glai·kit) Dialect, chiefly Scot -adj.
1. (intr.) stupid; senseless, silly. (often in “He stood there wi’ a glaikit look oan his fizzog“)
2. (tr.) giddy, thoughtless.
3. affected.
4. petty.

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11 responses to “Your Scottish Slang Scots Word O’ The Day: Glaikit”

  1. My favorite scottish word is heed, as in HEED…PAPER….NOW!! Or maybe frikkin as in weee not so weee and frikkin huge.

    1. gregorisim Avatar

      are you scottish brad?im from the highlands,speak scots and doric and have never heard any one say frikkin, hear it in england often and i think the irish use the word.
      it may well be scots but it is never ever said nowadays, heed tha ba,thats a belter though, 🙂

      1. gregorisim:
        Brad was referring to an old Saturday Night Live skit, “All Things Scottish”. Region restrictions might kill it, but the Hulu link is here.

      2. “Frikkin” and “Fek” was popularised via the idiot lantern aka the TV.
        I did not hear that word until it appeared in common usage in the 1990’s. The TV show Father Ted is the most likely suspect.

  2. Doric/Scots/Lallands whichever term you prefer is NOT ‘slang’. It never has been and never will be and calling it that is both ignorant and insulting.

    1. J.R.:
      I’ve definitely heard from others of your particular persuasion/opinion. No offense is intended, but if we Americans were to attempt to use Scots dialect in our daily lives, it might best be described as “slang”, at least in our use.

      1. wellimjustnottellingyou Avatar

        No, Doug. Maybe you sometimes say things in America
        like ”au fait” or
        ”plus ca change” for examples of commonly used French words? Would you refer to them as slang? I wouldn’t.

      2. Someone calling it slang doesn’t make it so. I might CALL French slang out of ignorance. Would that change that it is a language?

      3. Is there anybody more ignorant with the language than America ?
        American English is a form of slang.
        Scotland has several dialects and an entire language that is older than Latin.

    2. wellimjustnottellingyou Avatar

      I agree with you absolutely.
      On the subject of ‘ glaikit ‘-
      I don’t entirely agree with the above attempted definitions.
      Although I do agree with no3.
      because the root of glaikit is ”glassy or glazed” ( a dreamy/far away/not focussed – sometimes affected )

  3. Hamerdoon Avatar or
    Scots language is NOT slang – get a grip. Ignorance is no excuse.

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