
It’s Like Anime + Quake. Animake? Quanime?

Lawton, Brad, we have a new mission: recreate the glory days of ’98 by way of Warsow. An Open Source FPS based on the Quake 2 engine with all-new, updated gameplay and graphics.
Yes please.


4 responses to “It’s Like Anime + Quake. Animake? Quanime?”

  1. Agent:Orange Avatar

    By recreating the glory days you mean us supply your fraggers with fodder? Awesome, twist my arm.

  2. Agent:Orange Avatar

    Oh, and I need a computer to play this on.

  3. szakal161 Avatar

    where to get that mod ??

  4. @szakal161 – It’s not a mod, it’s a full game. Just click on the link in the story, then click the big fat “Download Now” button on the Warsow site.