
Webcomics Worth A Look

What follows are a few of the more “out-there” of the webcomics that I have found in my years on the ‘Net. All are worth reading, at least semi-regularly.
First up is The Book of Biff by Chris Hallbeck, which details the trials and travails of a mute protagonist named, wait for it, Biff. Subtle, wry (okay, blatant) sight gags abound. For instance:

Next up is the ever-more-surreal Red Meat by Max Cannon, home to Bug-Eyed Earl, Ted Johnson, and of course, Milkman Dan. Here’s Earl:

Last up is Slow Wave by Jesse Reklaw which asks readers to submit their dreams, each of which Reklaw converts into a four panel comic strip. They’re funny, they’re weird and they’re always interesting.

Head to each of their sites and invest a bit of time combing through their archives, won’t you?