Category Cool Sites

Oooh! Oooh! Pick Me! Pick Me!

The [in]famous (to those listening to TWiT podcasts, at least) Andy Ihnatko and Scott Bourne have started up a new Q&A-style website known as “Managing Your Digital Life” or and, in a fit of generosity, are giving away not…

Kudos For Praized

Yes, I avoided the “praise for Praized” pun. My buddy Stephane (he of fellow WPhone fame) and his workmates have gone live with their social app, Praized. Think of it as a Web 2.0-ish Angie’s List, with local business/hotspot search…

The Dangerous Website For Boys [At Heart]

Dangerously Fun is precisely just that. Consider it a low-key Backyard Anarchist’s Cookbook for the Internet age or an amped-up version of The Dangerous Book For Boys (no Amazon link provided, since The Dread Error Http Service Unavailable hath returned…

Webcomics Worth A Look

What follows are a few of the more “out-there” of the webcomics that I have found in my years on the ‘Net. All are worth reading, at least semi-regularly. First up is The Book of Biff by Chris Hallbeck, which…

Youngme / Nowme

This is a pretty nifty idea: Youngme / Nowme asks folks to send in photos of themselves 1) from their younger years then 2) recreating (to the best of their ability) the scenes in the photos right now. Some are…