Category: Television

  • Pffrrrrrrrt!

    I have been necessarily lax in my posting here these last few weeks, so please excuse me. In the place of real, honest-to-goodness content, I present this ne’er-aired Bud Light commercial: Heh.

  • Thanks, Children’s Television Workshop

    There’s a very good reason for the sheer face of fear my subconscious encounters each time I’m somehow caught alone in a dark area, and it is this Bert & Ernie segment. Thanks for 25 years of terror induced by a simple, stupid 5 minute clip.

  • Mandatory Viewing

    Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: An episodic web “TV” show, created by Joss Whedon, starring Neil Patrick Harris as an aspiring supervillain (Dr. Horrible) whose plans are consistently thwarted by Captain Hammer (played by Nathan Fillion). Free, online, at the link above. Oh, and did I mention that it’s a musical? Go. Now. You know what…

  • Notice!

    Remember, folks: Burn Notice‘s new season starts tonight at 10pm. Tonight. Burn Notice. Oh, and Bourne Identity is on in the meantime. UPDATE: It’s entirely obvious to me that the Bourne movies wouldn’t be half as good were it not for their soundtracks. The amount of tension they manage to build in is striking.

  • Video Mashups Of The Geeky Kind

    Three quick hits for you here. First, Battlestar LOSTica: Next, Gradius as an Infocom-style text adventure game: Last, the very Internet meme-y “Pork & Beans” video from Weezer: Told you they were geeky.

  • My Fellow Children Of The ’80s Probably Ought To Look Away

    …The childhood good memories contact high that you get off this Sesame Street video may well render you inoperable for the rest of the day: You have been warned.

  • Sweet Merciful Crap!

    Ne’er has that particular Homerism been more appropriate than at this moment. Roman Cortes constructed the above artwork, a feat which is unremarkable until you realize that he created the entire thing using HTML and CSS. Ned Batchelder has the (appropriately) jQuery-animated version of the construction to demonstrate just how flippin’ sweet the whole thing…

  • Mitchell And Webb FTW

    Merlin Mann has been on a bit of a That Mitchell And Webb Look-posting tear recently and, as such, he brought up two of my favorites, well worth posting (or re-posting, even). First, “Bronze Age Training Day”: Then “SS Officers/’Are We The Baddies?’”: Cracking.

  • Fun With Analogies: LOST And Computer Role-Playing Games

    defective yeti penned an amusing post in which he first lays out the central problem of LOST‘s continuing (over)use of a certain plot development ploy, namely: an unending stream of mysteries designed to confound the viewers beyond measure. (Mild profanities redacted in this quote; note that they remain in-place at the actual article.) Here’s a…

  • Tivo Alert: You’re On “Notice”

    Have you watched Burn Notice on USA yet? No? Then you’re missing out on some of the most entertaining television on basic cable today. And, what’s more, USA is running a complete recap of the show in preparation for season 2. The recap starts April 17th, so if you’re looking to get caught up, best…