Tag: news

  • “What We Call The News”

    Those JibJab cats (the ones that brought you the memorable This Land Is Your Land spoof during the ’04 elections) are back with another catchy video called “What We Call The News“. Check it out:

  • Crypto Journalism

    The recent spate of fake/unverifiable journalism (see: “Captain Jamil Hussein”, the Reuters fauxtography scandal, and the “fake-but-accurate” Bush TANG memos, among others) have gotten me thinking of how we, the average news consumers, can possibly trust the purveyors of information. As Richard Landes put it in an address to the Herzliya security conference in Israel:…

  • Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That!

    So how was the top of Mt. Everest? Faaabulousssss! Bwahahaha.

  • CBS News: Velly Solly, But You Arr Rook Arike To Us!

    We have this gem of a story by way of little green footballs: I mean, you know, China, Japan, what’s the difference? It’s not like that mistake wouldn’t be highly offensive to both countries, right? There’s no past history of societal abuse between the two or anything… UPDATE: Not only is the flag wrong, but…