Sick Day

Apparently I contracted, not as previously diagnosed the 24 Hour Avian Flu, but rather the 24 Hour Avian Flu That Lies Dormant For The Span Of A Week And Then Returns From Remission (THAFTLDFTSOAWATRFR, for those playing the home version of the Acronym Game), which laid me low for all of last night and kept me from my appointed rounds at work today. Site updates have been nonexistent throughout the day, as the accompanying 101.3°F fever would have embarrassed both writer and reader in the strange and most likely nonsensical scribblings that would have resulted.
Tomorrow is my last scheduled telecommuting day – I’m taking my wife to the orthopaedic specialist for what should be the last visit for her foot – thus blogging is likely to be light then as well.


but nonsensical scribblings are the best scribblings. Sort of like when you wrote your reports in college while starting to descend into a cramming coma. Wake up the next morning and read to find out that it made no sense at all, but it was always a good laugh.

Not these kinds, my friend. This woulda been like the time that Jerry thought he had a comedy gold mine when he woke up in the middle of the night, scribbled down an unintelligible “joke” on a scrap of paper and spent the rest of the episode attempting to decipher what exactly the joke was, only to realize that it was a painfully unfunny reference to a bad, BAD cult movie.