Category: General

  • I’m Speaking At WordCamp Philly

    I’m Speaking At WordCamp Philly

    Write down the date — October 30, 2010, the day before Halloween, I’m due to speak at WordCamp Philly down at Temple University in Philadelphia. I’m incredibly honored to be given the chance to speak on a topic near to my heart: Making WordPress Work AT Work. I plan on posting a series of articles…

  • WordPress Hg

    I’ve really caught the Mercurial bug recently and have begun chewing coworkers’ ears off about its benefits. I’ve been looking into ways to integrate it into my WordPress-related efforts and, inspired by this recent post on the WP Devel blog announcing a github effort to make WP available via git, I decided to set up…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Fröliche Weinachten to all my friends and family! I wish you all the best. Most especially: Happy birthday, Jesus!

  • Thank You, Mr. Helpy Helper Man!

    As I was attempting to install Server Admin on a Mac today, I came across this beaut of an error message: Macs: user friendly, my eye.

  • Real Life Update

    Just a quick update on the State of the State, as it were. Will’s gash is healing quite nicely and he’s due to have the stitches out tomorrow morning, while Kate’s cough has largely subsided. The doc prescribed steroids for her (due to her earlier bout with RSV), thus her encounter with croup seems to…

  • Greetings

    Maxin’ and relaxin’ on the beach, hence posting is likely to be light, light, light. Nobody touch nuthin’ while I’m gone.

  • A Bountiful Link-Filled Catch-Up

    I am fully cognizant of my delinquent blogging — apologies all around. I’ve been in full recovery mode since taking the redeye from SFO to PHL on Friday night. Short observations on that flight? Sucked like a brand-new Dyson 07 with the full pet hair kit. Stupid US Airways. In exchange for my previous silence,…

  • In-Flight Blogging

    [Recorded somewhere over Western Pennsylvania or possibly Ohio, I think, 6:07pm EDT] After an unspecified “paperwork”-based delay of almost 45 minutes (due, according to the pilot, to a delayed or mishandled flight from either Phoenix or Las Vegas, curse you Sun/Sin City!), we took off and are on our way to SFO. The flight is…

  • Random Links: Little Rays Of Orthogonal Sunlight For Your Dreary Lives

    Frank J. offers a FAQ from the White House in re: the forthcoming illegal-immigration amnesty- and crime-enablingreform bill. To wit: Q. I’m concerned that the immigration bill focuses more on giving illegal immigrants amnesty than border protection. Does the President share these concerns? A. The President doesn’t hate brown people. Q. This isn’t a racial…

  • As If I Needed Any Further Reasons To Avoid Jersey Whenever Possible

    Were it not for the fact that I work in New Jersey and have many friends there, I would stay as far away as possible, particularly in light of the recent revelations that NJ State Police are a bunch of whiny, self-satisfied punks with their tails in a twist over criticism they’ve taken after crashing…