Got WordPress 2.5 Questions? WTC Has Answers.

Weblog Tools Collection has posted an incredibly thorough FAQ covering many of the issues surrounding the release of WP 2.5, such as:

Q. Where are my Post Categories and Tags when writing a Post?
A. Scroll down below the Post content box.
Q. How do I rearrange the order Advanced Options boxes like Custom Fields and Excerpt?
A. This is no longer possible.
Q. I don’t see a link to edit a user’s name.
A. In the table of Users, click on the name (represented as a link), to edit that user’s information.

If you’ve not yet made the jump, I would suggest that you do so. The back-end admin interface is far nicer than previous versions and WP 2.3 and earlier (with the exception of the 2.0.x branch) are now EOL’d and will not receive further security updates.
I managed to upgrade over the course of 20 minutes or so on Saturday — betcha didn’t even notice a difference. I sure have…