
Musical Notes

I’ve recently added two albums to my “Listening” queue (over to the right) and both come highly recommended.
First off is Since I Left You by the Avalanches. Taken individually, each of the songs can be mildly amusing, with the exception of the one single off the album, “Frontier Psychiatrist.” However, taken as a whole, the entire album is simply wonderful. The songs all flow together and provide an unobtrusive background “soundtrack” for your extended gaming/reading/coding sessions. Although it may be hard to track down, I’d recommend you see if you can pick it up in a bargain bin.
The second is Halfway Between the Gutter and the Stars by Fatboy Slim. While it’s no “Better Living Through Chemistry” or “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby”, it is still greatly entertaining. The first three or four songs are ultimately forgettable, but once you get to “Ya Mama,” the rest of the album is pure gold. This album, too, is a good background listen, but it’s also suitable for a good long car ride.