Category: Reviews

  • Who Watches The WangWatchmen?

    A friend invited me out to see Watchmen tonight and, in brief, it was a good way to spend a couple of hours on a Friday night. The film hews very closely to the graphiccomicnovelbook (as noted on GeekDad) and is hugely indebted to the work put in by its original creators. I firmly believe…

  • The Dark Knight Always Triumphs! Have At You!

    I got a chance to see The Dark Knight Saturday night with a couple of friends. Here’s my quick take: go see it in the theater, now. While it’s 2:20 long and has enough plot lines for 2-2.5 movies (so much so that it makes it difficult to explain the overarching plot to family members…),…

  • Thunderbird 2.0: An Upgrade Well Worth Your Time

    The Mozilla Foundation released Thunderbird 2.0 yesterday and, based upon my first 24 hours with it, I’d give it an unconditional thumbs-up. Overall, it’s a much nicer experience than the previous version (1.5). It is faster, the interface is cleaner, it handles IMAP mailboxes far faster than before and it has a few nice new…

  • 300

    [This review contains spoilers, at least for those that have not read Miller’s 300 or are completely unfamiliar with the Battle of Thermopylae. Tread lightly in reading it if you wish to remain in suspense. -ed.] One of the criticisms that has been leveled against 300 is that it is “pro-war”, a critique shared by…

  • Burnination, The Follow-Up

    With apologies to Trogdor: Shortly after I posted my review of Toast, I stumbled across a comparison review of a few of the top Mac burning software packages. Toast makes an appearance, as do Burn and two others, as well as a 5th one that was suggested in the reviews’ comments (LiquidCD) which got me…

  • Toast 8 Titanium: A Review In Brief

    To put it bluntly: Roxio’s Toast 8 Titanium rocks. My team lead put in for a couple of copies of Toast 8 shortly after it was announced at Mac World and we have been enjoying them ever since. While it is, at base, a program for burning CDs, DVDs and now Blu Ray discs, version…

  • Firefox 2: It’s The Little Things That Count

    I’ve been using the Mac version of Firefox 2.0 on my Mac Pro at work for the last few days and I have to say that it’s a pretty nice package. It remembers your session if your browser happens to crash, meaning that you won’t lose all those hard-fought tabs if FF should crap out…

  • Straight Outta Lynwood, Straight Into My CD Player

    Album Title: Straight Outta Lynwood Artist: “Weird Al” Yankovic Year: 2006 I went out and snagged a copy of Weird Al’s latest album yesterday and, after giving it a few listens, I have to say that it’s one of his better albums, although by no means his best. I think it’s actually a bit more…

  • It’s In The Air, Man! The Internet’s IN The AIR!

    I’m sitting in an NTB waiting for the service techs to finish patching up a seeping flat, typing away on my MacBook Pro, posting courtesy of the mega-sweet Verizon Wireless V640 Express Card. My employer has been buying the PCMCIA “CardBus” offerings from Verizon for a little while now and, though the cards are on…

  • “On A Clear Day”

    My wife and I had seen trailers for On a Clear Day in various places and meant to see it (honestly, we did!) in theaters, but it slipped out before we were able to hit a theater. Well, as things go these days, it was released on DVD and thanks to the magic of Netflix,…