Parlock Update

It seems as if the crying three year old story from a few days ago is indeed true. As Michelle Malkin reports, IUPAT has identified the thug that stole Sophia Parlock’s sign and “are taking steps to deal with the individual”. I still think that it’s beyond foolish to bring your three year old child to a hostile campaign event, no matter how illustrative it may turn out to be or how “good” of a press opportunity it represents.
It does look as though George Bush is trying to make it right, though:

Sophia’s poster
Three-year-old Sophia Parlock has a new Bush-Cheney campaign poster, courtesy of President Bush himself.
Sophia became famous Thursday when Associated Press photographer Randy Snyder captured a shot of the toddler crying after her Bush-Cheney sign was torn to pieces at a Huntington, W.Va., rally for Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards.
Sophia’s father, Republican activist Phil Parlock, charges that Mr. Edwards’ supporters “pounced” on him and two of his children, equating it to a “feeding frenzy.”
The photo of Sophia crying made her a cause celebre in newspapers around the country. Mr. Parlock said on Friday that he’d already given more than 20 interviews.
U.S. News & World Report writer Paul Bedard was the first to report Friday that the White House sent Sophia a new poster, with a personal inscription from the president: “Dear Sophia, Thank you for supporting my campaign. I understand someone tore up your sign. So I am sending you a new sign and a signed picture.”


1 Comment

Thanks for your commonsense comment that a father should not bring a toddler to a hostile environment, whetehr its a political event or not.