More Hideous DNC Behavior

Once again, I’m disgusted at the depths to which some on the Left have sunk to, this time comparing Bush voters to Special Olympians (a comparison that is at once as hideous to the mentally handicapped as it is to Bush voters) and creating hideously racist political cartoons.
Michelle Malkin, once again, was on the case.
I expect this kind of crap out of the Fark goons, but not out of people interested in a serious political discourse.
Hmmmm. Did I just inadvertantly hit the nail on the head?
Original Danziger cartoon was removed, so I’ve changed the link to a page that archived it for all to see.

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Danziger Cartoons and the Racist Left
This cartoon from Jeff Danziger illustrates the pure venom spewing from the American left. Can you imagine this cartoon coming from the right? Can you imagine the outrage? Can you imagine the cries from the Rev. Jesse Jackass and…