Your Scottish Slang Scots Word O’ The Day: Braw

Second in a series
(br·aww) Dialect, chiefly Scot -adj.
1. fine, pleasant, esp. weather (“It’s a braw day the day” or “It’s a braw, bricht, moonlicht nicht the nicht“).
2. attractive, pretty (often in “You’re really braw, hen. Fancy a Ruby Murray?“).

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This entry is part 2 of 29 in the series Your Scots Word Of The Day

Husband & father with youngins; Presbyterian; Will devops for boardgames; Dadjoke Enthusiast; Longtime WordPress user; The failure mode of “clever” is...

Articles: 2529


  1. “Brav” in German also means good, e.g., “ein braves Kind” (a well-behaved child).

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