Your Scottish Slang Scots Word O’ The Day: Teuchter

This entry is part 16 of 29 in the series Your Scots Word Of The Day

Sixteenth in a series
(choo·chter) Dialect, chiefly Scot ~n.
1. (trad.) one who derives from the Highlands of Scotland (a Highlander); more commonly used by city folk to describe rural dwellers.
2. Gaelic-speaker (mostly to each other) esp. at strange Gatherings known as Mods [definitely not Rockers]. Occasionally partakes of a wee dram (see also heuchter teuchter).

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9 responses to “Your Scottish Slang Scots Word O’ The Day: Teuchter”

  1. […] Originally Posted by Norman Atkinson A sassenach is a lowlander not an Englishman. Consequently, if you were born South of the Highland Line( and you were), you're a Sassenach. I sort of sneak in being an owner and ratepayer to Highland Council in Inverness-shire. Exits to 'the Ball of Kirriemuir' and sic blether Norm Norm, To the best of my knowledge sassenach actually means foreigner. It's usually (mistakenly) used as another name for English. Thur's nae way A'm a sassenach Maybe we can both learn from this: Your Scottish Slang Word O’ The Day: Teuchter Literal Barrage […]

    1. Andrew Watson Avatar
      Andrew Watson

      Erm, Sassanach is Gaelic for ‘Saxon’ -not foreigner. So it absolutely does mean exactly “Englishmen”.

      1. Andrew:
        I was confused at first until I realized you were replying to that inbound link. Looks like it was a forum post that linked to my post. Clicking the link says that the forum post no longer exists.
        In any event, thanks for the linguistic derivation!

  2. alan varle Avatar

    do the teuchters have an equivalent perjorative term for the lowlanders?

    1. gregorisim Avatar

      generally lowlanders,by older people sometimes whichever clan they fell under,by younger people often the specific town they are from,nairn is nairnics,forres folk are pronounced for’ee’shans(forgot how its spelt),even tiny wee vilages have a specific name

  3. Alan:
    Not that I’m aware of. “Bloody Anglish sympathizers” might cover it for some.

  4. Is there a Scottish slang word for city folk?

  5. You are great. Sir

  6. Eain Crossen Avatar
    Eain Crossen

    What is the meaning of the words fernanst and forbye

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