
Congratulations Are In Order

Mike Krahulik, otherwise known as “Gabe” of Penny Arcade has been comissioned by science fiction author John Scalzi to create the cover art for Scalzi’s upcoming book Agent to the Stars.
The book itself sounds intriguing, at least inasmuch as the blurb lays out the plot:

The space-faring Yherajk people have come to Earth to meet us and to begin humanity’s first interstellar friendship. There’s just one problem: They’re hideously ugly and they smell like rotting fish. Gaining humanity’s trust isn’t easy when you look like a B-movie terror. The Yherajk need someone who can help them close the deal.
Thomas Stein knows all about closing deals — he’s one of Hollywood’s hottest young agents who’s just closed the biggest deal of his career. But it’s one thing to sell your client when she’s a hot young starlet. It’s another thing entirely when your client is an entire alien species, depending on you to pull off the greatest introduction in this history of man. Stein’s going to need all his smarts, all his skills, and all his wits to earn his percentage — and his place in history.

Quite an honor, if I do say so myself. Congrats, Mike.
Apparently Agent to the Stars has been available, online, for years. The abovementioned hardcover book is a limited print run of “AttS” and in no way affects the availability of the online version.