
Tone-Deaf Back At The Old H.Q.

Michael Yon's riveting imageI routinely support our military in its endeavors, but I, too, must protest at their fleecing of Michael Yon.
Memo to the Army: Yon was one of the best war correspondents of the past 4 years and brought a lot of perspective and flavor to those of us watching from the stateside sidelines. To treat him unjustly is more than just rude – it’s abjectly stupid. Apologize and pay the man his due. For goodness’ sake, he had to appeal his case to Ted Kennedy to get any traction on this issue.
Sheesh. A bureaucracy is a bureaucracy, I guess, no matter what uniform it wears.


2 responses to “Tone-Deaf Back At The Old H.Q.”

    What we have here is the ability to communicate! Bloggers have rallied behind Michael Yon in his copyright battle with the US Army in a major way over the past 24 hours.
    Michael was in a stalemate for seven months, getting nowhere, until blogs lik…

  2. […] Pundit Review; Instapundit; Mudville Gazette; Wizbang; Econoblog; Michelle Malkin; Pajamas Media; Free Republic; Blackfive ; Whodathunk; Random Bits of Pomposity; The Conservative Spread; Home School Blogger; Done With Mirrors; Just Some Poor Schmuck; Anton Traversa; Just Barking Mad; Presto Agiato; Small Town Veteran; Rockets Brain; Literal Barrage; Sunset Streams; Chapomatic; ; Oriental Redneck; Almost Average; Daniel in Broookline; Noola Beulah; Fun Murphy’s; The Art Law Blog; Volokh Conspiracy; QNotes; Not Exactly Rocket Science Filed in: Radio, Iraq, Law, New Media | 2 Comments » […]