I routinely support our military in its endeavors, but I, too, must protest at their fleecing of Michael Yon.
Memo to the Army: Yon was one of the best war correspondents of the past 4 years and brought a lot of perspective and flavor to those of us watching from the stateside sidelines. To treat him unjustly is more than just rude – it’s abjectly stupid. Apologize and pay the man his due. For goodness’ sake, he had to appeal his case to Ted Kennedy to get any traction on this issue.
Sheesh. A bureaucracy is a bureaucracy, I guess, no matter what uniform it wears.
2 responses to “Tone-Deaf Back At The Old H.Q.”
What we have here is the ability to communicate! Bloggers have rallied behind Michael Yon in his copyright battle with the US Army in a major way over the past 24 hours.
Michael was in a stalemate for seven months, getting nowhere, until blogs lik…
[…] Pundit Review; Instapundit; Mudville Gazette; Wizbang; Econoblog; Michelle Malkin; Pajamas Media; Free Republic; Blackfive ; Whodathunk; Random Bits of Pomposity; The Conservative Spread; Home School Blogger; Done With Mirrors; Just Some Poor Schmuck; Anton Traversa; Just Barking Mad; Presto Agiato; Small Town Veteran; Rockets Brain; Literal Barrage; Sunset Streams; Chapomatic; ; Oriental Redneck; Almost Average; Daniel in Broookline; Noola Beulah; Fun Murphy’s; The Art Law Blog; Volokh Conspiracy; QNotes; Not Exactly Rocket Science Filed in: Radio, Iraq, Law, New Media | 2 Comments » […]