Inside Higher Ed pointed to a list the other day detailing 75 things this year’s college freshmen class hasn’t ever encountered, including:
- The concept of two Germanys
- Smoking on airplanes
- The Soviet Union
- Being forced to distinguish between the baseball and football St. Louis Cardinals
The list of what they don’t know/haven’t encountered goes on, but to it I might add:
- A TV dial without CNN
- Actual TV dials
- “3,2,1, Contact!” on PBS
- The Red Army being both a military force and a vaunted force in hockey
- “TGIF” on ABC
- Saturday morning cartoons forming the anchorpoint for a generation of consumers
- 9600 baud modems
- The term “baud”
…And, I’m sure, many more. Jeez, could I feel any older and more decrepit right now?
GI JOE?!?!?!
Been to We B Toys recently? G.I. Joe is all over the action figure aisle – their Sigma 6 series is the current hotness, as far as I can tell.