My Choice For President In Just Over A Minute

I’ve recently had to explain my objections/reservations to Mike Huckabee as the GOP nominee this year to several friends, a process which has been fraught with misunderstanding and a lack of true clarity on my part. Fortunately, my choice for president, Fred Thompson, did an excellent job of defining Huckabee at last night’s GOP debate in South Carolina:

Ouch. Very ouch, baby.
The brilliance of this statement is that, not only does it define Huckabee, but it rather explicitly defines what Thompson is not and therefore gives a very good insight into just what Thompson represents. Of course, you could just look at his campaign’s site to see just what he thinks about the issues and what his core beliefs are.
Here’s hoping the electorate of SC sees through Huckabee’s transparent “Evangelical” pandering and sends Fred on to bigger and better things.


One response to “My Choice For President In Just Over A Minute”

  1. lawtonfunk Avatar

    I only know one way to say this . . .
    Thank you.