Category: Humor

  • Chirac PS

    Best. Fark. Photoshop. Ever. View with caution, as I got some very strange looks from coworkers as I tried to stifle my guffaws. Dig it.

  • Saddam Heisman(?)

    I saw a great bilboard on I95 North tonight. It featured a large picture of Saddam Hussein on the left side, striking an almost Heisman-worthy pose. The text read (and I’m paraphrasing here, as I can’t remember the exact words): Mister Hussein: Give Peace A Chance Go Into Exile The sight so suprised me that…

  • The Three Stooges, Iraq-Style

    It is to laugh: The Three Stooges. Came across this by way of Fark, as usual. (Props to Tom Twine.)

  • Musings

    A thought occurred to me the other night: I don’t think I could ever be a Third World dictator. The amount of discipline one must maintain in order to run a country with an iron fist is far too daunting. Plus, I’m not enough of a control freak, nor am I overly concerned with germs.…