Category: Blogger Import

  • Death To The Old Gray Geek!

    All becomes clear now. Let’s try some Google sleuthing. Google Search Phrase: VizaWeb sucks. First hit? A recent entry by none other than Leo Laporte formerly of TechTV fame. It seems as though Leo’s site uses VizaWeb and he has been recommending them for others desiring of hosting solutions. The client base of VizaWeb has…

  • Blogging From The In-Laws: Day 9 (Recap)

    The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou I got a chance to go see The Life Aquatic with my brother-in-law yesterday. We both found it to be highly entertaining, although you may have to be a bit of a fan of Wes Anderson’s other works (Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, and The Royal Tennenbaums) or at least have…

  • Button Maker

    This one’s for Brad, since Blogger seems to have b0rked my attempt to post the link over at his site: Button Maker. Yeeehaw.

  • Uh Oh

    A call to Brad: You wouldn’t still have those X-COM install floppies from all those years back, wouldja? ‘Cause they would come in mighty handy in being able to play MULTIPLAYER X-COM.</drool> Otherwise, it’s off to Gnutella to see what I can find…

  • New Firefox aka Firebird aka Phoenix aka Mozilla Browser Released

    You may have noticed the new button to your left touting Firefox. If you’re looking for a great, standards-compliant, full-featured browser, give it a look. If you’d just like to point more people to it, consider putting one of the new Firefox buttons on your site. And remember: Friends don’t let friends use IE.

  • LinuxWorld Expo 2004

    Arrrrgh! Blogger ate my post! Well, here goes another try. I originally wrote up an email recap of Linux World 2004 in NYC for my teammates at work. What follows is a slightly-edited reprint of said email: LinuxWorld proved interesting yesterday. This is purely my impression, but it seemed to be better attended than the…

  • It’s No Wonder I Don’t Donate Money

    This story has me fuming. As a Lehigh alumnus, I’ve already lamented at length about the idiotic trend established by the past two presidents, namely wreaking havoc upon the engineering college in order to fund the Arts and Crafts, errrm, Sciences and Business schools. First, they changed the mascot from the “Engineers” to the “Mountain…

  • Assorted Reviews

    [Originally created a week ago and just completed/posted today] I haven’t blogged in a while, so I thought I would run down some of the excellent media experiences I’ve encountered recently. Jak II. Extremely entertaining. Mix the first J&D game with some Grand Theft Auto and you have a compelling gameplay experience. It was so…

  • Knock Me Over With A Feather

    I came across this one on the Corner today and I have to say I have a completely new view on Patricia Heaton. I loaded up Ms. Lopez’s link to Feminists for Life and was greeted by the smiling visage of Ms. Heaton, credited as honorary chair. I was blown away. How refreshing to see…

  • Blogging from LinuxWorld

    I’m sitting here in the email garden at the Javitz center in NYC having just come from RedHat’s booth. They’re pushing RHEL v3 (no surprise) but I did manage to get a set of 3 Fedora CDs off them. I’ll try to grab a cap from them ~12pm today. Will blog more on this later.