Tag: Best-Buy

  • Awww Crap. Looks Like I’m In The Market For A New ISP.

    Holy Out-Of-Left-Field News, Batman. I’ve stated previously that I will never give Best Buy another dime of my hard-earned money due to their consistent mistreatment of me in the retail space. Looks like they’re going to be mistreating me in the ISP space until I can find a replacement: Best Buy Acquires Speakeasy: Financial News…

  • Take That, Best Buy Hosers!

    I’ve documented my run-ins with Best Buy before, so it was with no little glee that I read of an improvisational “performance” involving a team of about 50 volunteers dressed in the standard BB uniform (blue collared top, khakis, belt and black shoes) invading a Manhattan Best Buy. The pictures and written accounts of the…