Tag: hooks

  • WordPress Theme Hook Alliance

    WordPress Theme Hook Alliance

    Konstantin Kovshenin posted an interesting piece decrying WordPress theme frameworks1 and the extra amounts of work that they (can) require to get working Just The Right Way. Essentially, his complaint comes down to having to re-learn a system of hooks and filters in order to be cognizant of, if not competent with each of the…

  • Tips For The Crew That Attended The Philly WordPress Meetup, August 11, 210

    Bonnie Vasko has already posted a brief summary of Wednesday night’s “inaugural” Philly WordPress Meetup, so I thought I’d simply take a moment to document some of the resources we talked about in the “advanced”/developer session. Hopefully some of the other attendees will find them useful. We talked briefly about Free theme frameworks/parent themes, such…