
Tips For The Crew That Attended The Philly WordPress Meetup, August 11, 210

Bonnie Vasko has already posted a brief summary of Wednesday night’s “inaugural” Philly WordPress Meetup, so I thought I’d simply take a moment to document some of the resources we talked about in the “advanced”/developer session. Hopefully some of the other attendees will find them useful.
We talked briefly about

I’m sure there are some other things I’m forgetting to mention, so if anyone has anything more to contribute (or further questions), please just drop a comment.
I’m looking forward to the next meetup!


5 responses to “Tips For The Crew That Attended The Philly WordPress Meetup, August 11, 210”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brad Williams and Bonnie Vasko, Doug Stewart. Doug Stewart said: From the blog: Tips For The Crew That Attended The Philly WordPress Meetup, August 11, 210 http://stwrt.org/2nk […]

  2. Great list Doug! The first Philly WordPress Meetup was awesome and it was great to finally meet you! I’m really looking forward to seeing the WordPress community grow in Philadelphia!

  3. […] 8/13/2010: Check out @zamoose blog post with links to resources discussed at the […]

  4. Thanks for listing WPTavern as one of the community resources surrounding WordPress. I’m sure Brad had something to do with that 😛

    1. Nope, Brad was in the other room. It was all me. *grin*