Category: Blogging

  • Twitter Ain’t Therapy*

    *Or at least it shouldn’t be used as such Due to this straightforward way of thinking, ENTJs tend to have the greatest difficulty of all the types in applying subjective considerations and emotional values into the decision-making process. -From the Wikipedia article on ENTJs I’ll be up front: I’m an ENTJ. Anyone who has ever…

  • Sweep The Sleaze

    I came across this article over on iA (via @gruber, I think), and was really struck by its thesis, namely: Promising to make you look wired and magically promote your content in social networks, the Like, Retweet, and +1 buttons occupy a good spot on pretty much every page of the World Wide Web. Because…

  • My WordCamp Philly 2011 Presentation: “Adding A Social ‘Stache To WordPress: BuddyPress, bbPress And Beyond”

    The official WordCamp Philly blog has it right: #WCPhilly 2011 was a great success. We had awesome speakers, awesome sponsors, great volunteers and a ton of very enthusiastic WordPress users turn out for a wonderful weekend. My presentation is embedded below. Warning: contains dangerous levels of mustache. Adding a Social 'Stache to WordPress: BuddyPress, bbPress…

  • Tips For The Crew That Attended The Philly WordPress Meetup, August 11, 210

    Bonnie Vasko has already posted a brief summary of Wednesday night’s “inaugural” Philly WordPress Meetup, so I thought I’d simply take a moment to document some of the resources we talked about in the “advanced”/developer session. Hopefully some of the other attendees will find them useful. We talked briefly about Free theme frameworks/parent themes, such…

  • I’m Speaking At WordCamp Philly

    I’m Speaking At WordCamp Philly

    Write down the date — October 30, 2010, the day before Halloween, I’m due to speak at WordCamp Philly down at Temple University in Philadelphia. I’m incredibly honored to be given the chance to speak on a topic near to my heart: Making WordPress Work AT Work. I plan on posting a series of articles…

  • Lessons Learned At WordCamp NYC 2009

    Or: Britney Spears’ Lack Of Underwear Is Matt Mullenweg’s Go-To Example For Information He Doesn’t Care About Based upon my Twitter stream from this past weekend, one could easily enough have guessed that I spent Saturday and Sunday up in New York City for WordCamp New York City 2009. I had a great time overall,…

  • Blogging, Or Lack Thereof

    So it’s readily apparent that my blog output has been woeful as of late. I could come up with a litany of excuses as to why this is so, but truth be told, it’s been a case of my heart not being in it. Suffice it to say that Real Life Concerns have been weighing…

  • Traffic Surfing

    So last week was fun, traffic-wise. Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds posted a link to an older entry of mine on the same day that he opined about the prevalence of “Can’t connect to database” errors that WordPress-powered sites tend to throw under load. Fortunately for me, I had anticipated just such a meteoric rise to Cylon-powered…

  • WordPress 2.5 Is Out

    WP 2.5 has been released. I’m going to move over to it as soon as possible, so there may be some downtime some time in the very near future. Stay tuned.

  • Apologies For The Virtual Mess

    Regular readers will no doubt have noticed that this site is undergoing some visual changes. I had grown tired of the old look and thus am undertaking a bit of a rehabbing. There are all sorts of nits to fix (the archives page doesn’t work correctly, for instance) and I felt that I needed some…