Tag: Kathryn

  • Pre-K Jargon File

    Pre-K Jargon File

    About a year ago, my wife and I were in the midst of watching the classic Stephen Fry/Hugh Laurie-helmed Jeeves and Wooster and we were allowing our kids to watch it along with us. We had been watching episodes each evening and the kids were keeping up well, though one night my at-the-time 2-year-old daughter…

  • Real Life Update

    Just a quick update on the State of the State, as it were. Will’s gash is healing quite nicely and he’s due to have the stitches out tomorrow morning, while Kate’s cough has largely subsided. The doc prescribed steroids for her (due to her earlier bout with RSV), thus her encounter with croup seems to…

  • Pray For My Little Girl Again

    We’ve been through this before, but I’m asking again: pray for my little girl. She woke up ~2:30am this morning with a fierce, barking cough. She was actually coughing so loudly and persistently that she caused Will to have nightmares about dogs chasing him which subsequently caused him to awaken and spend a good portion…

  • Presenting

    Kathryn Moira. There’s more to the story that will have to wait for another day. Momma and baby are fine, papa and brother are sleep-deprived, but all are in good spirits.