Tag: smooth-jazz

  • Schadenfreudentasticken

    Regular readers will recall that I’ve had TEH HATEZ0Rs for WJJZ for a long time and, I must say, the only thing better than having it go off the air once is… Having it go off-air a second time. So it’s only a mild step up, from “smooth jazz” to “adult soft rock”, but a…

  • I’m Going To Need A Silver Bullet, Several Wooden Stakes, Wolfsbane, A Cross, A Young Priest, An Old Priest And A Whole Mess Of Garlic

    My disdain for “Smooth Jazz” WJJZ has been well-documented in this space and, lo! I didst rejoice when I thought it had shuffled loose this mortal coil but, alas and alack, my mortal foe has returned. No longer content with sullying the upper end of the FM dial (a position it gained by forcing aside…

  • O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!

    …He chortled in his joy. My issues with WJJZ 106.1 FM Philadelphia are well–documented in this space, so it is with no little schadenfreude that I officially note its demise. I come not to praise Smooth Jazz, but to bury it. The good news is that Smooth Jazz is dead in Philadelphia, replaced by an…