
O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!

…He chortled in his joy.
My issues with WJJZ 106.1 FM Philadelphia are welldocumented in this space, so it is with no little schadenfreude that I officially note its demise. I come not to praise Smooth Jazz, but to bury it.
The good news is that Smooth Jazz is dead in Philadelphia, replaced by an odd fusion of Sunny 104.5 and 95.7 Ben FM, by the inital sounds of it. The bad news is that this format change is apparently bringing Whoopi Goldberg to the morning airwaves; the loss of Kenny G., Michael Bolton and Dave Brubeck is worth it, though.


One response to “O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!”

  1. […] While I definitely rejoiced in the "untimely" death of Smooth Jazz WJJZ, my joy was definitely short-lived, as the corporate monsterswonderful, caring people in charge of such things replaced The Hideousness That Was with The Hideousness That Is – the "lovely" sounds of B-Fargin'-101 now fill our restrooms. […]