Happy Tartan Day, Everyone

Royal StewartI’m a bit late to the party on this one (I always forget what day it’s supposed to be). To all my Scots kinsmen out there, happy Tartan Day. Blackfive has the Declaration of Arbroath, a key statement that our own Declaration of Independence is (loosely) based upon. Absinthe & Cookies is hosting the Gathering of the Blogs, a listing of those blogs writing entries related to Tartan Day and the Scotch contributions to American politics, science and intellectualism. Also make sure to hit Bad Example’s Great Events in Scottish History, featuring such well-known events as:

1410 – Drinky MacDrunkard discovered how to make single malt scotch. He was then beaten to death by his neighbors when they found out they had to wait 12 years before they could drink it.
1623 – The Scots invented money. That same year, they also invented tight-fisted skinflintery.
1697 – By a three-vote margin, the Scots lost the “Brawlingest Drunkards” award to the Irish. A title which the Irish still hold to this day.

Be sure to read Blackfive’s tribute to Scotch, as well.

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