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New Rule

I’m not normally the cussing type, but today just about pushed my limits in terms of rational, reasoned responses using polite and gentrified language.
Therefore, I would like to set forth a New Rule:
Computer Operations Service Request Rule #4,862: By Grepthar’s Hammer, any and all engineers who order machines without floppy drive or CD-ROM drive and without the ability to boot off a USB drive shall be banished into Service Request Limbo forthwith, with any and all future attempts at getting support from Yours Truly being routed directly to /dev/null. Those wishing to escape SRL shall have to endure a single swift punch to the neck.
That is all.


3 responses to “New Rule”

  1. Today’s Internet Fear and Loathing brought to you by… “A weblog dedicated to t-shirts, nice shirts, tank tops, couture tops, and more.” New Rule NJ Report: Why Doug Forrester is Losing WH changes more rules John Roberts: affirming rights or not Thought for the day Presidential

  2. who would order a computer without a coffee mug tray? Ahh Duh

  3. Must. Control. Fist Of Death.