A Change Of State

Like over-excited electrons cutting loose in a burst of light, Andy One and fam are returning to their former state. Congrats on the return, Andy.
And I am so, so sorry for that analogy…


4 responses to “A Change Of State”

  1. It’s a shame, because I get it. Took me a while. Womnderful use of language. You must be hooked on
    Wait for it

  2. It’s a shame, because I get it. Took me a while. Wonderful use of language. You must be hooked on
    Wait for it

  3. You must be using the new Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Quantum Commenting Script that I was working on (or wasn’t I?). Sometimes, if you actually observe the comments, it can seem as if they’re in two places at once. Or moving at close to the speed of light. I’m not really sure.
    Qubits for everyone!

  4. I for one welcome quits into our lives…
    However, I think it was merely the matrix resetting…