Tag: Friends

  • Huzzah!

    Brad aka Agent Orange let slip that he and his misses are in the baby way, with the Next Generation edition due some time in May. Congratulations, buddy! Welcome to the club. Want a 2 year old with a penchant for mischief and madness to practice on for a couple of weeks? I just happen…

  • Swing For The Fences, Boyo

    Yesterday ended up being a very busy day — work was packed with “fun” meetings and that dreaded “work” thing as well, which was followed by my weekly church elders’ meeting. My pastor and I grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed for the softball diamond, as our church’s team is currently playing…

  • Our Own Southern Strategery

    Last week was a week full of fun, family, friends, frivolity and lots of driving. Brad has already admirably covered our brief stint in Norf Caruhlienuh, so I will decline to comment upon it except to note that I look far more like John Belushi as “Samurai Delicatessen” samurai than the prototypical Westernized depiction of…

  • Potential Weirdness Inbound

    A small programming note for my dedicated readers: I just moved this blog over to WordPress version 2.2 since the version I was running (2.1.3) was vulnerable to a rather nasty cross-site scripting vulnerability. If you notice that anything is missing (images, pages, etc.) or anything that throws errors, please go ahead and drop me…

  • A Regular Stand-Up Kinda Goy

    Over the course of a Seder dinner, an event filled with history, solemnity and a good deal of tradition, have you ever inadvertently: Almost choked to death on a sip of grape juice? Brought your 18 month old son to tears with a bite of matzoh and horseradish? Poured piping-hot matzoh ball soup down your…

  • Submitted For Verification

    Question for Brad: does that seem about accurate? The horror stories you tell would seem to indicate “yes”…

  • Ever Have One Of Those “Neo/’Whoa!’” Moments?

    Like, say, for instance, you’re watching Wednesday night’s Lost and you casually note that the ringleader of the gang of Phuket thugs that beat the crap out of Jack just happens to be played by none other than James Huang who was a class ahead of you in school and was your football, wrestling and…

  • 3 Cheers For The Internet, Eternal Font Of Mirth And Amusement!

    So Aron stumbled across the newly-proposed “don’t come near else you’re risking a severe dose of radiation, and not the cool ‘turns-you-into-the-Hulk-slash-Fantastic-Four-kind” signs created by the IAEA (Official Motto: “No time to search for Iranian nukes, we’re making signs!”) and decided to post it to the “Stick Figures In Peril” Flickr group (a source of…

  • A Change Of State

    Like over-excited electrons cutting loose in a burst of light, Andy One and fam are returning to their former state. Congrats on the return, Andy. And I am so, so sorry for that analogy…

  • Note To Brad: Don’t Take Clem To Oz

    You’re just darn lucky he wasn’t a part of the ‘Gnomesville Massacre’ . Oh, the gnome-manity!