
Brad aka Agent Orange let slip that he and his misses are in the baby way, with the Next Generation edition due some time in May.
Congratulations, buddy! Welcome to the club. Want a 2 year old with a penchant for mischief and madness to practice on for a couple of weeks? I just happen to have such a training model handy…


3 responses to “Huzzah!”

  1. Agent Orange Avatar
    Agent Orange

    I first have to get the temperamental pregnant wife thing down.

  2. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Never too early to start in on the if-they-weren’t-so-cute-I-might-be-on-trial-for-manslaughter, as they say…

  3. I GET TO OFFLOAD MY, I mean, give him practice first. After all, we have both age and quantity for him to learn…
    And Bradley, dear Bradley, if you think she is temperamental now…