For those of you encountering issues with BuddyPress and Elbee Elgee (particularly if you’ve encountered the “Won’t load any more activity when you click the ‘Load More’ link in Activity streams” bug), then have I got a zipfile for you!
Please grab it here and let me know if you run into any further problems.
Crick-don’t-rise, I’ll morph this version (1.3.6-beta3) into the full 1.3.6 release on the theme repository.
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Hi Doug,
I recently posted to the WP forums on EE here:
about duplicate description tags.
The fix would be a fairly straight forward conditional statement in header.php
There’s a snippet of code on the Wp forums post.
Nice theme, I’m doing maintenance for a client who uses it.
Thanks! I think I’ll be able to slip that in to the next update.
Is your client public-facing, by any chance? Mind if I take a look? *grin*
I’m in the middle of updating our meetup website (Twin cities Photography Group 1600+ members) and like your theme, gives a lot of flexibility, We want to add a forum to it (BBpress) and need a wide page layout to display our information and studio rental.
I just started to use it today and did not figure out everything yet. Take a look at (my test website)
I installed the latest beta 1.3.6. beta 3 Not everything is working as expected.
I use the wp-meetup plugin to aggregate our events and populate the calendar.
A couple of questions, if I may:
1) What is the nature of the errors you are encountering?
2) Is it related to the appearance of the nav menu on the front page, by any chance?
The Meetup plugin that seems to be most commonly deployed actually handles its code poorly and destroys the nav menu on the front page.
Yes I suspected a plugin already when I disable the plugin al is well.
Thanks Doug
We are in the middle of revamping our website. I stumbled on your theme an installed it on my test site. ( This is a website for our twin cities photography meetup group of 1600+ members. We want to add a forum and need a wide page style for several pages.
I installed BBPress as the forum software. and wp-meetup to agregate our workshop end meetup info.
Not everything is working as expected yet. I have version 1.3.6 beta 3 installed. I hope I can give some feedback if I figured all the settings out.
[Sorry, somehow my own comment got caught in the spam filters!]
Hey Blips:
Glad to see you using it. How can I be of help?