Category: Elbee Elgee

  • Elbee Elgee Version 1.3.8 Now Live On

    Elbee Elgee Version 1.3.8 Now Live On

    I’ve released Elbee Elgee version 1.3.8. This fixes a couple of issues involving emphasis elements and AJAX functionality in BuddyPress after BP updated to version 1.6. It should be live in the theme repository, so go ahead and download away.

  • Elbee Elgee 1.3.7

    Fire up your updaters, folks: I’ve released Elbee Elgee version 1.3.7. This is entirely a bugfix for regressions introduced in 1.3.6, namely: Issues Fixed Top-level drop-downs should now be styled correctly and consistently Custom menus added as widgets should no longer get styling from top-level menus So go ahead and grab it from the official…

  • Elbee Elgee 1.3.6 Released

    Elbee Elgee 1.3.6 Released

    It’s official: I’ve shipped Elbee Elgee version 1.3.6. After trials and tribulations aplenty, it’s finally ready to go. Hit the official download page to grab a copy, or go to your Updates page to automatically upgrade. While it would be tempting to call this a simple bugfix, there are several things to note. From the…

  • Latest Elbee Elgee 1.3.6 Beta (Beta 8)

    Latest Elbee Elgee 1.3.6 Beta (Beta 8)

    Here’s the latest and greatest release of the theme, ever-so-originally named “beta 8”. You can grab it from Bitbucket, as always. This release does a few things: Applies the “widget” class to all sidebar widgets, allowing BuddyPress AJAX widget functionality to work Catches circumstances where a search returns no posts and instead displays another search…

  • Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Effective Immediately: I’m Closing My Ill-Used Spam-Attracting Forums That Barely Serve A Vestigial Purpose At This Point

    Essentially: it does what it says on the tin. My bbPress forums were a) Magnets for spammers of every *dol, Cia*, Dolc*gab* and Ho*ref*nance 2) CPU chewers for little payoff D) Not really used by y’all or me* So, in short, I’m deactivating them and shall breathe a sigh of relief. If you’ve comments related…

  • Elbee Elgee 1.3.6 Beta 6

    Elbee Elgee 1.3.6 Beta 6

    A few more changes here — I think we may be close to an actual, certifiable 1.3.6 final release. Grab beta 6 and let me know if you encounter any issues. This release should Kill off the annoying BuddyPress JavaScript-related bugs (like the More link not producing more content, the New Topic button not working,…

  • Elbee Elgee Issue Tracker: For My Sanity’s Sake

    Elbee Elgee Issue Tracker: For My Sanity’s Sake

    From all Elbee Elgee users, past, present and future, I’d like to ask a favor: please, please, please begin using the issue tracker on Bitbucket to submit bugs and/or feature requests. Between the comments sections on release posts, the forums and direct contacts via email, I’m starting to get a bit swamped and having…

  • New (Hopefully Final!) Beta Version of Elbee Elgee 1.3.6

    New (Hopefully Final!) Beta Version of Elbee Elgee 1.3.6

    We’re drawing nigh to a new (final) release of Elbee Elgee. Go grab version 1.3.6-beta4. This one tweaks the default <title> and descriptions in the head/meta section in order to allow for tools like Yoast’s WordPress SEO or All in One SEO Pack to do their work with little-to-no interference (requested here). I’ve also added…

  • New Beta Version (1.3.6-beta3) Of Elbee Elgee

    For those of you encountering issues with BuddyPress and Elbee Elgee (particularly if you’ve encountered the “Won’t load any more activity when you click the ‘Load More’ link in Activity streams” bug), then have I got a zipfile for you! Please grab it here and let me know if you run into any further problems.…

  • New Beta Testers For Elbee Elgee Wanted

    If you’re using Elbee Elgee on an install that’s running bbPress, I could really use your help with a bit of testing. Grab this zipfile off of BitBucket and install it in place of your existing Elbee install, then, let me know how it works out for you. Let me know if you encounter any…