Am I Raising A Boy Or A Monkey?

I entered my son’s room this morning at the oh-so-wonderful hour of 5am. Awoken from my blissful sleep by his hungry cries, I expected a pleasant reception from my progeny. Instead, my boy had somehow figured out how to remove his own diaper and proceeded to throw it at me as I entered the room.
Where the heck does he learn this stuff?


It’s a chimpazee mooonkee. Funny how your son is that way, don’t know WHO’s genes those are but I am sure the wife reminds someone quite frequently.

I wonder…
I think I remember you pulling things like that.
And you did not think sleeping was the most fun thing to do–just imagine being up all night with a crying Bryce and having a 2 year old greet you with “Hi, Mommy! Can I have Cheerios?” at 5:30 in the morning…
Justice will roll down…

Wait until they learn/associate the sun being up with YOU needing to be up. Oh it’s a hoot I tell you what…