Does Not Compute
Donald Rumsfeld drumming up support for our troops beside… Captain America and Spiderman? Noble sentiment, geeky implementation and hilarious pictures. Who could ask for more? Source: Say Anything.
Donald Rumsfeld drumming up support for our troops beside… Captain America and Spiderman? Noble sentiment, geeky implementation and hilarious pictures. Who could ask for more? Source: Say Anything.
The Riverfront Times carries the riveting story of “Samir”, the naturalized Iraqi-American who helped the Army capture Saddam Hussein. Samir was apparently the first to get his hands on Saddam and took a good deal of pent-up rage out on…
…when they make assinine observations like this: “Getting rid of Office wasn’t an option,” [a program manager at the Pentagon] notes. “You can’t run a war without PowerPoint.” What, in the name of Peter, Paul, Mary and Puff does Power…
Jessica’s Well is on the case with stunning, stunning new photographic evidence that points to U.S. wrongdoing in the recent checkpoint incident.
I hope they catch and publically flog the idiot responsible for perpetrating this fake military death notification. I will never understand the depravity of some people.
Apparently, it’s rather common for ships of the US Navy to be given widely-accepted nicknames that more accurately portray their namesakes. For instance, the USS Theodore Roosevelt is apparently known as “the Big Stick”, the USS Ronald Reagan is known…
Q. What happens when Isamist nutjobs can’t take a real soldier hostage? A. Hold a G.I. Joe doll “hostage”. And then sucker the A.P. into running the story. Looks like CNN was fooled for a bit on-air, too. *chuckle*
Citizen Smash is sorry. He’s sorry for all the meddling we’ve done in world affairs and he promises it won’t happen again. The list is worth reading, but his closing is a classic: P.S. If you need any help in…
The BBC’s embedded reporter with the Marines caught some fairly dramatic footage on camera during the recent Fallujah offensive. It is, to my mind, one of the fairest and most even-handed press accounts I’ve yet seen on operations in Iraq.…
In the wake of the [un]armored HMMWV flap, recriminations and blame have been flying about at a rapid pace, with many who opposed even funding the troops in the first place and have whined incessantly about each follow-on request for…