Category Technology

The Oracle Of Bacon

I stumbled across the Oracle of [Kevin] Bacon, a nifty little webpage that will give you the “Bacon Number” of any actor or actress out there. Go ahead, give it a try. It’s pretty entertaining. The highest number I’ve been…

Holy Cow!

I can’t quite wrap my mind around this one – it almost certainly has to be a hoax: gives out free 1TB [you read that right, one terrabyte -ed.] email accounts. Makes my puny 1GB GMail account seem puny…

Interesting Note

It appears that the number of back-and-forth emails that GMail will collect as a single “conversation” is 61. After that, it begins a new one. How do I know this? Simple: I recently installed Kitten’s Spaminator in order to combat…

Addition For This Geek’s Christmas List

While I don’t necessarily want everything on RedHat Magazine’s Geek Gift Giving Guide, they did have the foresight to add the Neuros Audio Player to their list. The thing is sweet – open sourced firmware and open spec hardware schematics…


Tom’s Hardware: Gigabyte creates first [nVidia] dual-GPU graphics card. Here’s the real dirt in the article: The card integrates two Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT graphics processors and is the first 6600 GT card on the market to offer a total…