Tag: Lehigh-University

  • Once Again, Lehigh Disappoints

    The MPAA has released their “dishonor roll”, a list of the top 25 college and university campuses (campii? campusi? I give up!) with the highest number of “confirmed” “illegal” file sharers and, sadly, my alma mater once again failed to make the cut. I blame Farrington’s nefarious influence, even after he departed! The 25, for…

  • A Course Reversal At Lehigh?

    My alma mater, Lehigh University, has been creeping away from its engineering roots for years, thanks largely to the efforts of C. Montgomery BurnsGregory Farrington, the evilformer University president. Apparently, Lehigh’s board of trustees has named a successor: Alice P. Gast, a world-renowned researcher with a passion for teaching, has been named Lehigh University’s 13th…