Tag: Movies

  • Too Much Time On Their Hands, Oh Yah!

    Fargo, reduced to its bare essentials: Heh.

  • Don’t Call It A Condiment

    …Cause I’m only playing catch-up. See, because it’s a homonym with… Bah, never mind. On with the Friday Link Dump! Hollywood is definitely out to retroactively destroy my childhood. How else can one explain their insistence on changing G.I. Joe from hard-charging defenders of America into a namby-pamby “international” strike force under the auspices of…

  • Your Daily Dose Of W00t!

    Can it be true? Can Peter Jackson really be set to direct The Hobbit after all? Victor Borge + piano = teh funny: Flight of the Conchords: A Texas Odyssey. Must all Christian-themed videogames suck forevermore? I’d really like a game with positive messages and engaging, non-craptastic gameplay, but apparently that’s too much to ask.

  • Anthology Of “Meh, Could Be Interesting”

    [Yes, the post’s title is an invocation of a certain Futurama episode. -ed.] Presenting, with very little fanfare, a collection of (mildly) amusing links, etc. collected lo these many days. The USS Robert A. Heinlein? Too cool for school. Every friggin’ Transformer, like, ever sold on eBay for a cool $1 million. Fark Photoshoppers envision…

  • Could Be Good, Could Be Bad

    Steve Martin as Peter Sellers? Never bought it and the Pink Panther ended up being the walking travesty that it was. Steve Carrell as Maxwell Smart, though? Oh, yes please. Nice to see The Rock’s getting work again, too.

  • J.K., You Devious Fiend!

    On this, the day of the latest Harry Potter film’s release, I stumbled across Cracked.com’ Top 6 Reasons Harry Potter Isn’t For Kids. For instance, from Reason #3, “Welcome to the Wonderful World of White Supremacy”: […] Rowling, on the other hand, takes the Law & Order approach, lifting the most evil things she could…

  • “Terrified” Neatly Sums Up My Feelings On The Matter

    King Leonidas + Techno Remix = Teh Horror! Egads. UPDATE: But does it surpass the sheer terror of Disco Dancing Japanese Storm Trooper Man?

  • Please, What Does It Always Mean, This… This “Junior”?

    If you’re a Child of the 80’s and/or an appreciator of the finer things in action/adventure cinema, I do not think you can view this on-set shot of the world’s most [in]famous movie archaeologist and not get a slight thrill of anticipation. Also, you’ll be humming “Bum ba dum bum, bum ba daaaaa!” for the…

  • And Now, Flying In The Face Of Convention, I Present: Some Videos

    I know, I know, I abuse this crutch way too often, but the fact of the matter is that I’m busy almost all the time at work these days. As a small token of my continued affection, dear readers, please accept my humble offer of 1) A description of Fair Use and copyright composed entirely…

  • These Aren’t The Monthly Payments You’re Looking For…

    Ben Kenobi walks into a used car dealership and… Tell me, how much is the going rate for passage to Aldershot? *chuckle*