Category: Links

  • Your Daily Dose Of “…What The Crap?”

    [With apologies to Scott Johnson, of My Extra Life fame, for his coinage of phrase.] Dear President Obama, what the crap? Obama Considers Zany Climate Engineering Gadgets to Fight ‘The Warming’. Obama is apparently considering using a machine that would suck up smog and shoot it into the upper atmosphere—reflecting the sun’s rays—as a way…

  • This Week In Schadenfreude

    schadenfreude (SHäʹdÉ™nfroid’É™/), noun: Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune. Okay, maybe not full-on schadenfreude, but these stories certainly induced a certain wry smile or two from Yours Truly. JammieWearingFool: Somali pirates receive ransom, hilarity ensues. This is the dramatic moment a ransom of $3million was paid to Somali pirates to end the world’s…

  • Playing Catsup

    My various browsers comprise a veritable swaying, swinging tower of memory usage, threatening to cause my poor little MacBook to go belly-up unless I divulge some of the various links I’ve managed to stumble across lo these many unblogged days. So, with that in mind, here goes. Feltron’s personal “annual report” is a wonder of…

  • …To The Dump, To The Dump, To The Dump Dump DUMP!

    That’s right, folks, it’s time for another browser-clearing session ’round these parts, so strap in and enjoy. What’s worse than finding out that a former classmate was published in Linux Journal? Finding out that he works for Google and races BMWs on the weekends, of course. Hi, Laz! The world’s oldest profession? Not recession proof.…

  • Comedy Central & Carlos Mencia: A Bit-Stealing Match Made In Heaven

    So, Comedy Central, not content with letting one of your stars steal other people’s bits, eh? Wanted a piece of that action too, didja? Prior art, and all that.

  • Comedy Central & Carlos Mencia: A Bit-Stealing Match Made In Heaven

    So, Comedy Central, not content with letting one of your stars steal other people’s bits, eh? Wanted a piece of that action too, didja? Prior art, and all that.

  • Good Idea/Bad Idea

    Good idea: Defending your intellectual property via every means necessary. Bad idea: Defending your intellectual property via every means necessary by threatening to sue a competitor whose president is a former lawyer and who has the law on their side. Good idea: Reading Dave Barry’s Tax Day column. Bad idea: Reading Dave Barry’s Tax Day…

  • It’s Friday, You Ain’t Got No Job, You Ain’t Got No Money

    …But you sure-as-heck have stuff to do, namely: check these links! Foo! All you Philly area WordPressers take note: Matt Mullenweg will be in town next week and attending a meetup on Thursday. Grab a stool and swing by (well, not in that order necessarily…). Quaker Oats: Scottish Edition, possessors of the finest box logo…

  • The (Browser Tab) Week In Review

    It’s that time again — time to offloadshare the most intriguing links I’ve stumbled across in the past week or so and thus unburden my poor computer’s swap spaceheart and soul. Iron Man trailer — yes, have some. Montana: withdrawing from the Union if the SCotUS doesn’t find an individual right to bear arms. Honey,…

  • Let’s Get This Post Off The Table, Shall We?

    Y’all know the routine: every once in a while (read: more than strictly necessary), I get a whole mess of links just sitting there in my browser, asking to be posted. So, let’s get to the linkage, shall we? First off, it’s simply not fair to have so much awesome being used up by the…