Tag: Movies

  • [Insert Mechanical Onomatopoeia Here]

    Have you seen the new Transformers “exclusive” trailer over on Yahoo! Movies yet? Proceed there posthaste or imperil your Official Geek Status and prepare to turn in your membership card, slide rule and protractor. Sweet.

  • Memetic Media Mashups Of Monstrous Magnitude

    I didn’t want to laugh, quite frankly, at anything poking fun at United 93, the single best tribute Hollywood has managed to pay to the ordinary-men-turned-heroes of September 11th, but heaven help me, I couldn’t help laughing at United 300:

  • Truly, There’s Nothing New Under The Sun, Nor In Hollywood

    Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker: separated at birth? Plus, Cracked.com offers the top 12 suspiciously similar movies of recent vintage. I link, you decide.

  • Oh, 9/11 “Truthers”, Purveyors Of Endless Comedy And Inspiration For View-Co-Host-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named

    That expressway tanker truck fire in Oakland the other day seems to have driven the 9/11 conspiracy nuts“truthers” well, to distraction, shall we say. The Fark thread commenting upon the affair (see Panicky 9/11 truth nutjobs debate Oakland gas tanker incident, see their WTC conspiracy theories collapse as quickly as that highway did) is absolutely…

  • The Greatest Movie Car Chase Ever?

    It’s a tough one, but the Knoxville News wants to know your pick for greatest movie car chase ever. There are some doozies on the list, for certain: Bullitt The French Connection The Seven-Ups Dirty Mary Crazy Larry The Blues Brothers The Road Warrior To Live and Die in L.A. Ronin The Bourne Identity Of…

  • Searching For Guffman

    I’m at a bit of an impasse here — my Google Fu has failed me and I’m not sure where to turn. In Waiting For Guffman, Corky St. Clair [Christopher Guest] delivers the following lines: [A]nd it’s a challenge that I am going to… accept. It’s like in the olden days, in the… days of…

  • Thank Goodness For Henchmen

    …Otherwise, 4 minute uncut fightscenes like this one from The Protector just wouldn’t be possible: He was decapitated…by a mutated sea bass?

  • NOT NEWS: Entertainment Weekly Staffed By Girly-Men

    How else can you explain their list of movies “guaranteed” to make men cry. A few observations, if I may. Cry? Armageddon. Please. Someone needs to lose their Man Licenses for even bringing up Terms of Endearment, Love Story, The Notebook and Steel Flipping Magnolias. Seriously. Okay, I’ll give ’em Saving Private Ryan, but Hoosiers?…

  • 300

    [This review contains spoilers, at least for those that have not read Miller’s 300 or are completely unfamiliar with the Battle of Thermopylae. Tread lightly in reading it if you wish to remain in suspense. -ed.] One of the criticisms that has been leveled against 300 is that it is “pro-war”, a critique shared by…

  • A Question For My South Carolina Brethren

    Ever been to the abandoned nuclear plant in Gaffney, SC? Apparently they filmed the underwater scenes from The Abyss there and some intrepid soul has the pictures to prove it. Too cololcool [UPDATED: lousy fat fingers! – ed.]. Source: Binary Bonsai.