Tag: theme development

  • WordPress Theme Hook Alliance

    WordPress Theme Hook Alliance

    Konstantin Kovshenin posted an interesting piece decrying WordPress theme frameworks1 and the extra amounts of work that they (can) require to get working Just The Right Way. Essentially, his complaint comes down to having to re-learn a system of hooks and filters in order to be cognizant of, if not competent with each of the…

  • Elbee Elgee 1.3.3 Is Now Live In The Theme Repo

    Just a small programming note: the latest stable version of Elbee Elgee is now live in the theme repository. The changelog is fairly sparse and goes to support WordPress 3.3. Mainly: Issues Fixed Switched from wp_print_styles() to wp_enqueue_scripts() to enqueue/output CSS due to changes in WordPress 3.3 (see here for details). Go forth and download!

  • Elbee Elgee 1.3.2 Approved; 1.3.3 Incoming

    Elbee Elgee 1.3.2 Approved; 1.3.3 Incoming

    I’ve released Elbee Elgee version 1.3.2 to the WordPress.org themes repository. The update got a clean bill of health and should be showing up in your WordPress Updates screens as soon as the Powers That Be mark it for “sync”. This is a small update that addresses the menu issues some folks were seeing involving…