(Hopefully) Firing On All Cylinders

I’ve redone my WordPress install and transitioned all my old plugins and most of the themes over to the new setup. I’ve done my initial testing and everything seems copacetic, but I may have missed something.
If you notice anything odd, please contact me and let me know what it is that’s broken.
Shazbot. No sooner to I post this than I notice that my .htaccess seemed to be missing/b0rked, thus all archives and subpages were probably inaccessible for a bit there.
Should be fixed now.

1 Comment

I was going to post a comment yesterday to tell you that I couldn’t get to page that had a comment form, but then I came to my senses.
Also… The comment form does weird things in IE (appears *way* down the page). I wouldn’t care, but maybe you would, so I’m mentioning it.