What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Please check the following CNN story and tell me if you can spot the problem.

Here, let’s zoom in a bit closer:

Yes, that’s right — there apparently exists a sufficiently large portion of the buying populace willing to subscribe to a periodical entirely devoted to large, immobile buildings that rarely change and are seldom built anew. Let the “periodical” part sink in, then picture yourself strolling up to the office watercooler, asking “Bob” if he’s seen the latest “LD” and what those Mainers have in store for the ol’ upper New England coastline, a-yup.
There’s just no accounting for taste, now is there.
I’m probably going to get some hatemail over this one, just like when I made fun of Ron Paul or Smalltalk — you know, the Lighthouse Digests of the political and computer science realms, respectively.