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No Words Strong Enough

I thought I was over this. I thought that I had moved on, that I had made peace with 9/11. I can’t believe how wrong I was.
I turned on Fox & Friends this morning and witnessed firefighters’ families talking about their lost mothers and fathers and the tears just overcame me. I fought them, but it was too much for me.
I don’t know if I’ll make it through the day without bursting into tears again.
God, be with the families of the brave rescue workers who gave their lives to save others. Bless our servicemen and women as they fight for our very survival a half a world away. Remind us of what it means to be a servant like that: selfless, brave and willing to give all.
I can’t keep writing. The tears won’t stop.


One response to “No Words Strong Enough”

  1. […] I've written previously in this space about the morning of September 11, 2001 and each and every word still holds true: I still ache at the memory of that clear Tuesday morning. I largely forget about the raw emotions for most of the year, but when the tributes, interviews and analyses start flowing forth from every conceivable media orifice, I can't hold back my feelings. […]