Two Places My Pregnant Wife And I Will Never Shop

The answer to the headline? Mimi Maternity and A Pea in the Pod, both owned by Mothers Work, Inc..
I would suggest you do the same, as they apparently have developed a record of firing female employees who get pregnant.
To wit:

[C]ompany vice president, Frank Mullay, a codefendant, was revolted by Papageorge’s pregnancy when he came to inspect several of her stores in October 1999, during her 37th week.
”There was a look of horror on his face as she came out to meet him,” he said. ”Her belly was all the way out.”

What a flaming jerk. I hope the settlement Papageorge extracted from their sorry hides was of a significant size and that Mr. Mullay is given his walking papers, short order.

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